Thursday, January 15, 2009

How To Lose Fat

How To Lose Fat

How To Lose Fat in Weeks Through Exercise

When trying to lose fat it is important to understand where fat comes from. Your body likes to accumulate fat because it reserves all the energy that food provides and stores it in the form of fat.

This fat gets stored all over your body, though is often most noticeable in both men and women in the stomach, thighs, backside and lower back. There are numerous factors in how to lose the fat you already have, while still eating well and doing all the things you love.

Losing excess and unappealing body fat isn't all that complicated a procedure. To lose overall body fat you need to focus on a two things: eating well and exercising.

1. Exercise: An increase in regular exercise will help to increase your calorie expenditure.

The more physical activity you do the more calories you will burn. Accordingly, if you increase your physical activity, and do not increase your intake of food, you will draw the extra energy needed from your stored body fat.

Cardiovascular workouts are great calorie-burners. The more energy you use, the more calories you burn, so try to choose activities that take a lot of energy without over-exerting yourself. Heart-pumping workouts like jogging, skipping, aerobics and swimming are great cardiovascular exercises that burn calories efficiently. If an individual burns more energy than he or she is consuming, the extra energy stored in the body will be removed to be broken down for physical activity.

Tomorrow, in Part 2 we will look at effective dieting strategies that don't require you to starve your self.

Visit Fat Loss Guide now for reviews of the top weight loss programs, techniques for losing belly fat and developing the body you've always dreamed of!

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